Friday 18 December 2009

Christmas Wishes!

It's getting Christmassy round here now, with all the blinking lights dressing my street in needless illumination. Being the ever cheery soul that I am I decided to do a bit of a christmas "study". To go with my collection of feminine figures, I thought; what better to do than a Miss Santa? Genius, it was.

This one didn't take me as long as some of the others - 10 hours tops I would say. Again, I tried to venture away from sketched outlines by boldly erasing them after I had finished shading every part.

I particuarly like the shading around the breasts and fabric creases in this piece. The hair is also quite nice despite how simple it was to do it.

It's not my favourite piece ever - I think I could have worked on the face and arms a lot more. The arms began to particuarly annoy me when every time I tried to shade them it always looked horribly wrong.

Not to worry, though, I am still pleased how it turned out overall.

Merry Christmas, internetters. :)

Monday 12 October 2009

A kick start to October.

Okay, so tonight I finished a slightly more suggestive piece. As usual, I searched google with safe search off until I found a picture I found interesting enough to study.

Admittedly, I think it was the party hat that encouraged me to do this one.

So far, I think this is the best out of the entire 3 digital pictures I have done . A lot more tonal work went in to it, and I worked to emphasise the shadows and highlights.

There are still many flaws with it, and many things I rushed, but I will concentrate on them at a later date.

For now I am happy with my progress with getting used to digital mediums. I'm also finding it a lot comfier to draw human forms now.

A little bit of French Fancy.

My second attempt at digital drawing. It took about 20 hours more than my previous go, but I feel it is a large improvement. I have ventured away from the blocky outlines to try and incorporate definition with shading.

As with most studies, I used a photo reference off the internet. For now I am going to continue doing this until I feel I can effectively draw accuractely from my imagination. After all, anatomy is the most particular thing in drawing.

The tights I was particuarly lazy with, using the liquify feature to bend crosshatches to match the shape of the legs. I could have drawn it hand by hand, but I sacrificed attention for accuracy.

Out of everything in this picture, I am pleased with how the clothing turned out. I really enjoy how I made the skirt appear satinny and not just a flat slab of felt. The hair could have needed more work, but oh well.

My first digital picture.

My first attempt at using my digital tablet. Very blocky, but what can I expect? Using a tablet instead of paper is like eating grapes with chopsticks.

Although there are many, many, many things wrong with this image I was pleased with how it turned out as my first go. If I must take pride in anything, it would be the left glove, and perhaps the fringe at a push.

It was a relatively quick piece; no more than about 5 hours. I guess it reflects it in the lack of tonal detail, but I am not going to cry over spilt milk. It served as a good introduction to twisting my familiary of Photoshop in to digital painting.