Monday 4 October 2010


Visual Literacy; Week 1

My first mini-project for Visual Literacy is to fully explore the word "curiosity". I'd say it was the hardest word for me as I just couldn't decide on how to go about portraying curiosity in just one image. I started off with a few ideas including the cliché "curiosity killed the cat" and closed diaries but none of them really took off in to anything more.

One thing that did catch my interest though, were these two leaflets created by Abertay Union (Artist Unkown) to advertise the Christmas Masquerade Ball. Masks are very interesting things, because they can create mystery (and thus, appeal) in onlookers. Plus, Venecian masks are very pretty to look at anyway.

Luckily, I own a handmade venecian mask that I played around with trying to obscure my face and encourage "curiosity". I played a lot with the contrast and colour levels of the photographs to concentrate natural shadows a lot more and heighten the feeling of the unknown as shadows are incredibly good at obscuring things.

I particuarly like the photograph below as half of my face is in darkness whilst the other half is lit up, but showing only an eye. I think the contrast works really well in fitting with the "what's behind the mask?" theme, as only a slight section of my eye can be seen beneath all the lace and sequins.

I then developed this idea further by making my own masquerade ball advert as my final piece. I wanted to keep the theme venecian, with scrawling fountain pen as Venice is also famous for it's traditional glass venecian pens which are dipped in ink, much the same as quills. 
However, the parchement I used was just an image from the internet so I could visualise how my end product was going to look. I scrapped it, and followed this tutorial to make my own parchment background, finishing my final piece for curiosity.

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